Are you robbing yourself of joy?


Recently a conversation I was having with one of my Project Self Worth members reminded me of something my coach had said on one of her podcasts about people robbing themselves of joy.

She spoke about this in the context of your past trauma leading you to protect yourself in certain ways, and how this essentially leads you to putting a cap on the amount of happiness you allow yourself to feel. 🥹

I remember how much emotion this evoked in me then because it rang so true for me.

I realised how much I robbed myself of feeling joy because of my past experiences. 

I cried as I realised how I was doing this in my relationship too, even though it’s the best relationship I could have ever imagined being in. 

😢 I robbed myself of joy by never being fully present.

😢 I robbed myself of joy by always filling my time with a never-ending to-do list.

😢 I robbed myself of joy by always focusing on the next thing or the next big goal instead of celebrating all my wins.

😢 I robbed myself of joy by not allowing myself to be fully in the moment. 

All of the above is a protection mechanism and a result of past trauma.

These things have become my go-to way of being and have served me really well for a long time when life was a rollercoaster. 🎢 

Being a high achiever is usually seen as a good thing, but it’s also something I’ve buried myself in to avoid the pain of what was going on behind closed doors.

I spent so many years doing this to myself that it’s now become a habit and it’s not a habit I need anymore.

My life is amazing.

My relationship is amazing.

My friends are amazing.

My family are amazing.

My environment is amazing.

Now my focus is on fun, ease and joy – being more present and grounded. 💫

Does this ring true for you too?

How can you be more present and grounded today?

As always, if you want a guide on your journey,  drop me a message and let’s chat about how coaching and/or energy work can help. 

Plus come over and join my free group here.

Much love

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