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Un-fuck yourself in 2024

  Do you remember who you were at your happiest? ☺️ Before you let all those mo fo’s dim your fucking shine? 🫥 Do you remember what it is that makes you truly happy? The things you love to do? 🤗 The things that make you smile, laugh, or make your heart sing? Is it time to un-fuck yourself?  There’s never a better time than now to start freeing yourself from all the negative bullshit and past trauma that rained…

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Victim to victory to visionary

  Join me + my friend Tracey Lee Cook as Tracey shares her powerful story + valuable insight. Tracey overcame growing up in domestic violence, sexual abuse + nearly losing her baby at 8 months pregnant due to domestic violence. From a hospital bed at age 38 she read her first ever book by Tony Robbins + in that moment decided to change her life. Learn how to wear your story like a superhero cape instead of an anchor! I…

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Try this to release past hurts

    We all have emotional baggage from our past that holds us back from achieving our goals and being our best self.    One of my favourite things to do is to help others uncover what’s holding them back so they can become the best version of themselves.   Out of the hundreds of tools I’ve learned along the way, forgiveness work is my number one go-to if I’m stuck.   The first forgiveness technique I learned was taught…

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Instead of becoming bitter, become better

    “Attitude is a choice.  Happiness is a choice.  Optimism is a choice.  Kindness is a choice.  Giving is a choice.  Respect is a choice.  Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.”  – Roy T. Bennett   We’ve all been treated unfairly at times ~ it’s part of life. 😞   Certain situations can lead us to feel angry, upset, mistreated and resentful. 😡    It’s perfectly normal to feel that way, but when you allow yourself to…

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Heal your pain with forgiveness

    Last week I was chatting with a friend who is on a break from her boyfriend.    She was having a hard time dealing with it and was wanting to heal her pain, so I explained a process to her that I’ve found really helpful in the past.   It’s called ho’oponopono and it’s a Hawaiian mantra for reparation, healing and forgiveness.   The process is really simple ~ you bring to mind a certain situation or memory…

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How Is Not Confronting Your Dark Side Serving You?

It doesn’t matter who you are, or how successful you are – we all have shit from our past that can keep us stuck. Old, core wound shit that has led to feelings of being unlovable, unworthy, useless, stupid, not good enough. The core wound shit that has attracted people, situations and relationships into our lives that “prove” that we aren’t good enough over and over – until we do the work to heal our wounds. This stuff happens to all of us on some…

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