Coach Carly Recommends

Denise Duffield-Thomas is a seriously authentic woman who has inspired me for the last few years. I’ve done lots of her free stuff like her manifesting course and her releasing money blocks audio, as well as listening to her book Lucky Bitch on audio.

We both trained at the same Life Coaching academy, the ISCA, and I’d followed her for a while before I finally signed up for her amazing course, the Lucky Bitch Money Bootcamp.

I honestly can’t rave about her course enough – it was a serious game changer for me in my business and my personal life.

While she does have a focus on female entrepreneurs, this course suits everyone, from men to stay at home mums.

This course was the golden ticket to me being able to quit my job and do my business full time.

I’ve released so many of my own money blocks, but not just money blocks – blocks in all areas of life too.

Once you sign up for the course you get lifetime access to the course and also to her mastermind group too, and you can repeat the course as often as you like. You can go through the same course all over again with a focus on money, health, relationships – honestly anything you want to change.

Check out this amazing course here!


WealthyFront_webThis book by Sandy Forster totally changed my life and view around money and abundance. This was one of my first introductions to the Law of Attraction and I loved Sandy’s teachings so much that I went on to do her Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy training.   You can get your copy here!     Wildly wealthy





Sandy’s website is Wildly Wealthy and focused on all things abundance! You can check it out here. 



The Secret by Rhonda Byrne – this DVD was my first intro to the Law of Attraction and I lapped it up! Love this DVD and think everyone should watch this or read the book 🙂  You can buy your copy here.

ISCAWould you like to become an Inspired Spirit Life Coach? I did my training with Sandy Forster through the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy, and it is one of the BEST life changing decisions I have ever made. I would highly recommend Sandy and her excellent training. You can find out more about the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy and how to become a coach here!



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