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Big exciting news for you amazing legends! 🤩

  Have you ever looked back at a moment in time and KNOWN it was the moment your entire life changed? Well, consider this a sign that change is well and truly on the way.    A BIG FLASHING NEON SIGN. 💠   Back in 2019, I was a complete shell of myself after yet another failed relationship. 🫥 After years of abusive relationships with narcissists, putting myself last, having shit boundaries and not loving or respecting myself, I didn’t…

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Never let the unacceptable become acceptable

    When I first heard “never let the unacceptable become the acceptable it really triggered a big reflection for me. 🧐  A reflection on how many times in the past I’ve done exactly that – let the unacceptable become the acceptable. 🥹 How in the past I’ve allowed myself to be treated with disrespect due to my own shitty boundaries. 😔 How I’ve allowed others to emotionally abuse me – some for years. 😭 How I gave my energy…

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Get to un-known yourself in 2025

  Do you remember who you were at your happiest? ☺️ Before you let all those mo fo’s dim your fucking shine? 🫥 Do you remember what it is that makes you truly happy? The things you love to do? 🤗 The things that make you smile, laugh, or make your heart sing? Is it time to un-know yourself?  There’s never a better time than now to start freeing yourself from all the negative bullshit and past trauma that rained…

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Strategies for healthy boundaries when dealing with victim mindsets

  I was once sat next to an older lady while we both got our nails done.  About five minutes after I sat down to get mine done she starts telling me all about her life. An hour later I knew she’d had a heart attack eight years ago and that’s why she was sweating so much, she has a pacemaker and recently she broke her finger saving a puppy and now can’t feel any pain in that hand –…

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17 Traits of high functioning codependents

  I was listening to Danny Morel interview therapist Terri Cole this week and she was listing out the traits of high functioning codependents (HFC’s) and my brain said: OMG THAT’S MEEEEEE!!! 😳 ⚡️  Well, it’s the version of me from the past but I consider myself “in recovery” (I still need to keep myself in check at times). HFC’s exhibit codependent traits while still managing to perform well in many areas of their lives.  While they may seem successful…

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The power of words

  Are you aware of the power of the words you’re using day in and day out? 🗣️  I was listening to my coach talk about this on her podcast The Mind School where she was interviewing a psychologist who said the term “experiencing depression” instead of “struggling with depression“.  A lot of people wouldn’t pick up on the intentional change in wording there, but this is something I do too. By changing the way you word things, you’re changing…

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