Coach Carly’s Chosen Charity


Fighters Against Child Abuse Australia is an amazing charity I am connected with – I write blogs for their Facebook page and coach survivors of child abuse.

FACAA was founded to provide support and advocacy for the victims of child abuse in a completely non-denominational and non-political way. We intend to help break the cycle of child abuse by working with the families and victims themselves and offering them another and better way. In 2010 there were 50,550 cases of child abuse reported. Of those only 30,000 were reported to police due to our complex legal system being geared towards the perpetrator. It is conservatively estimated that only one in four cases of child abuse are reported (some estimates have it as high as one in fifteen) Of the 200,000 estimated abused children in Australia each year, it is estimated (once again conservatively) that 80% or 160,000 of those will grow up to abuse children themselves in some way. If we can break this cycle and show the victims there is a better way then we can hopefully influence the numbers of abused children and offer help to the survivors of child abuse.

Our mission is to end child abuse once and for all through the use of counselling, mentoring, life coaching, job placement and martial arts and combat sports as a whole, as well as promotion and information to really shine a light on a problem that all to often gets swept under a rug. There is a greater evil that we must fear than evil men/women and that is the indifference of good men/women. To sit idly by and do nothing while you know a wrong act is being perpetrated is as wrong as the act itself. This group is for those who will stand up and shout for those who’s voices would not otherwise be heard. This group is for those who would stand behind and support those who have been beaten down and who would otherwise fall.This group is for those who are sick of knowing that child abuse goes on each and everyday and are willing to do something about it. 

We also have an educational reform program, a legal change program, our social media awareness campaign, a domestic violence wing and our anti bullying and fighter mentoring program – all with one goal to end child abuse in Australia once and for all.

Fighters against child abuse Australia are a fully registered charity with all donations over $2 being fully tax deductible. All money raised goes directly to our programs that all have the same goal to end child abuse once and for all in Australia. We run several programs all with one goal in mind and that is to end child abuse once and for all. We will do this by breaking the cycle of child abuse. We help children who have survived child abuse through the use of counselling and mentoring programs. We also utilise job search training and life coaching for the older survivors. We also put them into fully sponsored martial arts training at pre-approved martial arts centres under fully approved instructors. This builds up the children’s self confidence, inner strength, discipline, self belief, trust in adults, toughness both physical and mental and various other benefits too numerous to mention. For the martial arts programs we pay every cost involved from tuition to uniforms and equipment and even tournaments should they choose to compete. We also have court escort programs for those prosecuting their abusers and teenage anti-bullying programs run inside high schools. We have several other programs in the pipeline so be sure to check back regularly to hear what we are doing now.

CFN/22249 Is a non- profit organisation set up for the purpose of ending child abuse. If you would like to donate to FACAA you can do so via their Facebook page.


Coach Carly’s posts on FACAA Facebook

16 November 2015 – We are more beautiful for having been broken

15 October 2015 – Repressed memories can’t be seen, but they can still do damage

9 September 2015 – “Everybody gets depressed – lighten up and crack a smile”

7 October 2014 – Fix your broken windows

18 September 2014 – Baby steps are better than no steps

5 September 2014 – Suicide Prevention

27 April 2014 – Taking personal responsibility

11 January 2014 – Don’t allow your wounds to turn you into a person you are not

21 September 2013 – Are you really ok? Please share and save lives




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