Dear me



I’m sorry for all those times I never let you speak your mind and stand up for yourself.

I forgive you, I love you. 




I’m sorry for all those relationships I tried to make work when they didn’t deserve it.

I forgive you, I love you.




I’m sorry for taking years longer to move to Australia because you let yourself be held back by him.

I forgive you, I love you.




I’m sorry for all those times you let them abuse you, because you were scared to do anything different.

I forgive you, I love you.




I’m sorry he did that to you when you said no.

I forgive him, I love you.




I’m sorry for keeping you in those situations that caused trauma, so that you have to focus on so much healing now.

I forgive you, I love you.




I’m sorry you let them speak to you like that all the time.

I forgive you, I love you.




I’m sorry you never told anyone how bad it really was.

I’m sorry, I love you.




I’m sorry for letting him take all your money for so many years, leaving you on the verge of bankruptcy.

I forgive you, I love you.




I’m sorry you had to live with someone in psychosis for so long, it was so scary for you all the time and you saw things most people will never see in their lives.

I forgive you, I love you.




I’m sorry you felt scared a lot of the time and never let the world see that.

I forgive you, I love you.




I’m sorry all those things led to you being in depression and chronic pain.

I’m sorry, I love you.




Thank you for finally leaving them.

Thank you for being committed to your healing.

Thank you for learning from your mistakes so you can now help others.

Thank you for turning all those experiences into personal growth. 

Thank you for finally learning to love yourself.

Thank you for saying no, and really meaning it.

Thank you for no longer doing anything out of obligation.

Thank you for finding him, letting him in, and letting him love you in the incredible way that he does.




Life is amazing now, because of all of it. 


I love you, always.


Love, me. 💕💫💕


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