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The power of words

  Are you aware of the power of the words you’re using day in and day out? 🗣️  I was listening to my coach talk about this on her podcast The Mind School where she was interviewing a psychologist who said the term “experiencing depression” instead of “struggling with depression“.  A lot of people wouldn’t pick up on the intentional change in wording there, but this is something I do too. By changing the way you word things, you’re changing…

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OMG it’s like you’re speaking to me!!

  I get emails and messages all the time saying “OMG woman, I feel like you’re speaking directly to me”! My fave is one long term client and friend who says “Carly, you’re in my brain again” 😂😂😂 You know why this is? Because I am! With so many of the things I write about, I was once there too. 🥹 Abusive, codependent, toxic relationships. 💔  So broke I couldn’t buy loo roll one week. Being a people pleaser, saying…

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Everybody gets depressed – lighten up and crack a smile

  How many times have you heard someone use the term “I’m depressed,” without actually being diagnosed as clinically depressed? 😔  The term gets bandied around quite loosely as though it’s something we all go through.  This pisses me off because it downplays what true depression feels like – those who’ve never had it think you can “just cheer up”.  Sure, ups and downs in mood are totally normal and a part of responding to situations in life.  But clinical…

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Brain trauma + mental health

  If you don’t know who Dr Daniel Amen is, check out his work. He’s a psychiatrist who, when studying, realised his profession is the only profession that deals with the brain that doesn’t even look at the brains of their clients. I’ve been following his stuff for a while now – he does SPECT scans on people’s brains to show why they’re behaving the way they are or why they’re experiencing certain issues. He then works with them in…

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🌧 The Black Dog 🌧

    Are you in the midst of depression right now?   I experienced depression in 2010 + 2011 + wanted to share some of the things that helped me through it.   ☀️ laying in the sun for as long as I could listening to positive affirmations flat out.    Even though I didn’t believe those affirmations at the time I knew it was better to have that flooding my brain to take the edge off my own thoughts. …

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Let’s talk about shame

    I was listening to a podcast about domestic abuse yesterday.    The woman being interviewed works in the field with survivors + training professionals.   She was sharing her experience of her own abusive relationship + the shame she felt being in one while also working in the field, as well as how it changed her work.   It brought up so many parallels for me that I wanted to share.    I never share this stuff from…

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