Woah! Clearing rage…


Hey legends


Last night I ran a live call with my amazing members of my online coaching course From Surviving To Thriving.


I was walking my peeps through module one of my member site and the last lesson in the module is where I teach them an amazing technique to clear negative emotions.


One of of members was brave enough to put her hand up for me to take her through the clearing process live.


She was experiencing deep rage and resentment which she scored as a 12/10 and it was affecting everything around her too


I took her through the clearing process and at the end of only a few minutes her rage was down to a 3/10.



If we were doing this in a 1:1 coaching session we’d spend a lot more time on this but 3/10 from 12/10 was great for a group call.


What negative emotions are you feeling right now and how are they affecting your life?


It’s not too late to join my group coaching program From Surviving To Thriving, we still have 6 weeks left of the live round.


Group coaching not for you?


Then maybe think about working with me 1:1.


Comment HEAL below and I’ll drop you a message.


And come over and join my free group here on Facebook.


Catcha on the flip side,










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