Some tools to help you through the stressful times

We are all managing heightened levels of anxiety at the moment with the global coronavirus pandemic.

I thought it would be a good time to condense my top tips on reducing stress, anxiety and releasing emotional baggage.

Dip into some of these older blogs which are full of tips and strategies to help you get through crazier times.


You’re not a mess – you’re a feeling person in a messy world


Is your mood impacting your immune system?


10 life lessons from a Navy Seal that relate to every day life


Give yourself a break and fill up your own cup


We suffer more in our imagination than we do in reality


Try this to release past hurts


How to navigate your shitty thoughts


Not this, not anymore


Calm your overthinking brain


The only way out is through


The importance of grounding if you have anxiety



On Monday, I kicked off a live round of my online coaching program, From Surviving To Thriving.


Members are loving it so far, learning more about themselves and benefitting from the support of the group going through the modules together.


For this round, due to the current global stress, I offered it for donation only – it’s usually $497! I decided to keep this offer open until Sunday 19 April as I’ve had more people wanting to join this week, however, after that date it’ll return to full price so get in quick!


To join just send me a message via my Facebook page, or email me.


Catcha on the flip side,

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