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Panic! Panic! Everything is out of control!

  In the West we say “panic panic! Everything is out of control!” In the Buddhist world they say “relax relax! Everything is out of control.”   I heard this quote on a podcast recently where they were talking about the current pandemic and increased fear and anxiety globally.   While of course there are things that we can control, like our own personal hygiene, there is much we cannot.   So instead of joining everyone else in panicking, do…

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Some tools to help you through the stressful times

We are all managing heightened levels of anxiety at the moment with the global coronavirus pandemic. I thought it would be a good time to condense my top tips on reducing stress, anxiety and releasing emotional baggage. Dip into some of these older blogs which are full of tips and strategies to help you get through crazier times.   You’re not a mess – you’re a feeling person in a messy world   Is your mood impacting your immune system?…

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