I love you, I am listening


Recently I’ve been feeling very burnt out.


I do plenty of self care and self love stuff, I really listen to my body and do things every day to fill my own cup.


I’m not sure yet what the message is that my body is trying to give me, but I’m listening.


Today, as I write this, I’ve taken the day off to nourish myself.


I’ve done some EFT (tapping) and yoga for burnout which was very gentle.


I’ve done some healing on myself.


I’ve spoken to a loving friend in New Zealand and she’s doing a distant healing for me today which I really appreciate.


I’m about to take my bulldog Squishy for a slow walk along the beach, my fave place to be to fill my energy bucket.


And I just did a beautiful self compassion meditation after yoga on insight timer called “loving and listening to yourself” by Sarah Blondin.


It’s hard to put into words what came up for me, maybe there are no words and that’s the point.


She started by getting me to say to myself:


“I love you. I am listening”


I felt my body soften and my breathing deepen.


Later, she asked me to put one hand on my heart, and one on my stomach (funnily enough I already was), and repeat to myself “I love you”.


I felt waves of emotion travel through my body and soul.


It was a beautiful, nourishing moment of reconnecting to myself after feeling quite detached lately.


And as I’m writing this, my Squishy just came and plonked herself in my lap.


She knows.


She knows I need more love.


I’m grateful for her, grateful for my love who supports me even when he’s away, grateful for loving friends.


Sometimes low energy is just about needing time out to regroup and integrate.


Sometimes it’s about needing to recharge our batteries before we up-level.


Sometimes it’s clearing past trauma and ancestral lineage stuff.


Sometimes we just need a fucking break.


Whatever is going on right now, it’ll become clearer when I’m out the other side.


It always does.


True healing isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.


But it’s always worth it in the end.


I encourage you to take the time to chill and go inward.


Say to yourself; “I love you. I am listening”.


What comes up for you?


Much love to you.


As always, if you want a guide on your journey drop me a message and let’s chat about how coaching and/or energy work can help.


Catcha on the flip side, where dreams have come true.









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