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Exciting new offerings

  I’m so excited to share what I’ve been learning over the last few months which is really up-levelling my own vibration as well as significantly changing the way I do treatments! I’ve been learning new coaching and healing tools and it’s time to offer these in combination with my usual coaching sessions and treatments. QUANTUM FREEDOM THERAPY QFT is an awesome mix between EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as tapping), NLP (neuro-linguistic programmatic), and hypnotherapy. In these sessions…

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I love you, I am listening

  Recently I’ve been feeling very burnt out.   I do plenty of self care and self love stuff, I really listen to my body and do things every day to fill my own cup.   I’m not sure yet what the message is that my body is trying to give me, but I’m listening.   Today, as I write this, I’ve taken the day off to nourish myself.   I’ve done some EFT (tapping) and yoga for burnout which…

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5 quick and easy things to do to snap yourself out of a funk

It doesn’t matter who you are or how positive and optimistic you are, we all have those times when we get in a bit of a funk. Here are some of my go-to strategies when I’m feeling a bit off that you might like to try out next time you need to snap yourself out of a hole.   EFT Emotional freedom technique, also known as tapping, is an amazing tool for getting yourself out of a sh*tty headspace. You…

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