Know when it’s time to take a break


Last week I took my fur kid Squishy for a week away in Busselton.


It was SO. LUSH.


We went to Busso, Dunsborough, Eagle Bay, Bunker Bay and Yallingup.


We played on the beach, watched sunset, played with dolphins, made new friends and randomly bumped into old ones, had breakfast dates and sun baking time and explored new places.


But most of all, we chilled.



The last 6 months have been awesome; I’m at a time in my life where I really can say I’m living my dream life in every single area.


The few years before that wasn’t easy in love or money, and I’ve had to work my arse off to heal pain and heartbreak and become financially free.


After I moved into my current house, I really felt like a weary traveller.


I’d spent a while healing myself, clearing limiting beliefs, releasing past emotional baggage and forgiving those who I’d let hurt me.


Most of all, I forgave myself.


I’d felt tired for a while, and put it down to a few things.


Low iron levels. Relationships ending. Building a house. Hectic work. Chronic pain.


But what I felt when I moved last year was that it wasn’t physical tiredness at all; my soul was tired.


Tired from years of relationships with narcissists.


Tired from carrying the emotional baggage of others.


Tired from years of emotional and financial abuse.


Tired from always having to be the responsible one.


Tired from the lack of gratitude from those I gave up everything for.


Tired of working 6-7 days a week to keep someone else’s lifestyle afloat.


And when I realised how weary I felt, all I wanted to do was go rogue – get away for a break, no work, no business work, phone off, where nobody could reach me.


To just hang with my dog somewhere nobody knew me.


There are two types of tired: the one where you need rest/sleep, and the one where you really need peace.


So I booked this trip to Busselton.


In the few months in between, I had a break at Christmas, and felt the weariness slowly disappear.


But this break was still a hallmark of what I really needed – time alone to just breathe.


To be totally grounded and present in my environment, with nowhere to be and nothing to do.


Each day, I woke up with no alarm, and no plans, just a question:


“What do I want to do right now?”


And I just followed what felt good each day.


I had the best time, and can’t wait to do it again for my 40th in June. Not sure where yet, but it’ll be just as good.


I feel so lucky to have Western Australia to explore in all its beauty while so much of the world is in lockdown.


Not really lucky at all – this is the life I’ve intentionally created.


If you’re feeling overwhelmed by life, like a weary traveller, have a think about when you can carve out some time for a break.


Rest awhile somewhere new.


From surviving, to thriving.


You deserve it.


Catcha on the peaceful flip side,









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