Does your partner support your goals?



Cam is the first partner I’ve ever had who is as goal focused as I am. 🥰


I’m constantly committed to personal development + learning new things but I’ve always done this on my own or with other like minded friends ~ none of my exes ever wanted to share stuff like that with me.


I’m into plenty of woo-woo stuff that Cam’s not necessarily interested in, but I did teach him how to do energy work (mainly so he can do it on me haha) which he did a lot of on his knee when he busted it in the last year. 🦵🏼😣🙌🏻


When we met I’d just started learning how to chart + trade crypto; I showed him a bit of what I was learning + he got on board signing up for the course I was doing. 💰 


I’d also told him my mumma is Dutch Indonesian so he started sending me messages in Dutch.


When my Oma died he took me to the Dutch Shop to buy me Dutch treats + I got to listen to Dutch radio, which made my heart happy. 🥰🫶🏻


Mum always used to speak Dutch to us when we were young but I never learned to read or write it + always wanted to become fluent one day, so this year we both started learning Dutch on the Duolingo app ~ even the kids joined us. 🫶🏻


After a trip home to the UK where mum + dad took us to the Lake District we caught the hiking bug + have been getting into hiking here in Perth which we’re loving ~ good rehab for his knee too.


I love spending hours in the bush walking + disconnecting from work/social media. ✨💞


He shares my love of cheese + supports (enables) my cheese addiction with regular trips to The Cheese Shop. 😂 🧀 


I’ve been into the gym since I was 16 but Cam is a proper bodybuilder/Highland Games athlete so he’s helped me up level my gym game. 💪🏻


I got so used to training on my own but it’s so nice to have my man get up early to train with me instead of leaving my partner in a warm bed while I go it alone. 


We have many points of difference + different things we’re both interested in that we introduce each other to or support each other in.


Life is a gazillion times better with someone who not only supports me in my goals but shares them with me.


I spent so much of my past relationships feeling guilty, alone, lonely + holding myself back as a result. 🥹


My life was still amazing in so many ways despite that, but these days it’s truly magnificent being able to be 100% all of me with my life partner.


Thank you, my love, for everything you’ve brought into my life.


Ik hou heel veel van jou 💞🫶🏻💞


Excited for what’s ahead 🥰😁🤩


Does your partner support your goals or are you going it alone?


If you’re sick of the baggage that’s keeping you stuck, join my FREE FB group here for value bombs and freebies:


As always, if you want a guide on your journey, drop me a message and let’s chat about how coaching and/or energy work can help. 


Catcha on the flip side,


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