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Everybody gets depressed – lighten up and crack a smile

  How many times have you heard someone use the term “I’m depressed,” without actually being diagnosed as clinically depressed? 😔  The term gets bandied around quite loosely as though it’s something we all go through.  This pisses me off because it downplays what true depression feels like – those who’ve never had it think you can “just cheer up”.  Sure, ups and downs in mood are totally normal and a part of responding to situations in life.  But clinical…

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Does your partner support your goals?

    Cam is the first partner I’ve ever had who is as goal focused as I am. 🥰   I’m constantly committed to personal development + learning new things but I’ve always done this on my own or with other like minded friends ~ none of my exes ever wanted to share stuff like that with me.   I’m into plenty of woo-woo stuff that Cam’s not necessarily interested in, but I did teach him how to do energy…

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Laugh or cry ~it’s your choice

    Yesterday my amazing fiancé turned 40 🥳   I’d ordered a special yummy personalised cake for him and went to pick it up on Monday.    It was a stinking hot day ~ 37 degrees as I drove to get it. 🥵    As the cake maker brought it out, she looked utterly devastated and embarrassed saying due to the heat in her kitchen the cake hadn’t set properly.   She said she could fix it but needed…

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The power of vulnerability

    Recently I seem to be having a lot of conversations with strong, warrior women in my life who are going through really difficult times and in huge conflict about showing their vulnerability.   Do you consider yourself to be a fearless warrior?💪🏻   Yeah, me too.   The problem with that is that we’re often reluctant to admit we need help, and even more reluctant to ask for it 🫠   Back in 2010, I was in a…

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Are you willing to inconvenience yourself for a better life?

I was listening to an interview the other day with Lisa Nichols about how she rescued herself from a life of poverty to become the successful person she is today. This is a must watch/listen as there were SO many gold nuggets I couldn’t keep up! Listen or watch here. One of the things that stood out was her quote “your conviction and convenience don’t live on the same block.” What she’s referring to is that most people want the…

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Don’t let the critics stand in the way of your dreams

Do you have dreams of something you want to be, do or have? Have you ever tried to action those dreams, but let the critics around you put a stop to it? Time and time again, I speak with people about the wishes and dreams they have for their future, all the possibilities they see in front of them. What I also see consistently is a lack of support from those closest to them to support their wishes and dreams.…

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