Are you drifting through life?

“Drifting is the decision you’re making when you don’t make a decision about where you’re heading”

I heard this statement in a podcast the other day and it really hit as a truth.

A lot of people are coasting/drifting through life, day by day feeling like it’s Groundhog Day, without any real sense of purpose or meaning.

I especially find this happens in “mid life” where people have what essentially society says should make you happy – a good job, family, house etc… but there’s something missing and they end up drifting and feeling lost with no direction.

Either lost, or stuck, but either way they’re drifting through each day.

A lot of clients who begin coaching with me are in this position.

It’s what the entire first module of my online coaching program, From Surviving to Thriving, is focused on.

At these times, I find it’s really important to start with figuring out where the client is at with their values, needs and goals.

Often they have no idea what their values and needs are, and no clear goals set for themselves, so we get to work on figuring those out.

I thought I’d give you all a sneak peak of one of the modules in my course, Wheel of Life.

This is the last lesson in module one, where my course members have already worked out their values, basic needs and core needs.

Watch the intro video here.

Watch the video on how to complete your wheel of life document here.

If you’re interested in giving it a go and want my wheel of life document, drop me a message with your email address and I’ll send it to you.

I review my wheel of life every year to take stock of where I’m at, and from there I use it to set my goals.

Give it a nudge today and let me know what you think!

Catcha on the flip side, with a less wonky wheel and with a clear direction.

Much love,








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