Things that bother you the most conflict with your values the most

Are you in conflict with your values?

Knowing what I now know about my values, it’s easy to see why certain situations in my life were stressful or painful for me.

My most important value is integrity, and I’ve felt really tested when I’ve seen a lack of integrity around me, or when I’ve been out of integrity myself.

When we’re in conflict with our most important values it can really do our head in – we mull over the issue and find it stressful knowing what to do next.

So what are values?

Values describe the personal qualities you want to shine through in your actions; how you want to treat others; how you want to treat yourself and be treated, and how you want to treat the world around you.

Your values might be different at work, at home, and towards how you treat yourself.

For example, in my work integrity is my most important value closely followed by respect for all people, and the times I’ve really struggled in jobs have always been down to seeing a lack of integrity in others, usually through how they treat people.

At home love, support, respect and fun are important to me and the times I’ve been stressed at home are usually because I’m not focusing on us having enough fun or if I feel disrespected.

Our values and morals tend to stay quite stable and are non-negotiable, so when there’s a conflict with them it can create a lot of unhappiness in our lives.

Do you know what your top values are?

Find out for free here: https://www.valuescentre.com/…/personal-values-assessment-p…

Once you know what your values are, write them down.

Then reflect on any areas of your life that you’re unhappy with – are those areas or situations in or out of alignment with your values right now?

If you’re out of alignment, what steps can you take to change that for yourself?

Life is SO much better when we are living it in alignment with our values.

If you’re sick of being in conflict with your values but don’t know how to change your situation, check out my online coaching program From Surviving To Thriving here:


I can show you another way.

Catcha on the flip side,


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