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And that’s a wrap! From Surviving, to Thriving

  Last week was our final call for this year’s live round of my online coaching program, From Surviving To Thriving.   I’ve absolutely LOVED running this live round. ❤️🫶🏻❤️   Each group is so different, and this was my biggest group yet, full of really engaged members who showed up on the live calls week after week. 📱    As always, the shit got stirred up for many of my members as they got stuck into the course content.…

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Big exciting news for you amazing legends! 🤩

  Maybe you’ve been feeling a little (or a lot!) stuck, anxious, overwhelmed, like a shell of your former self and unsure what action to take next? 🥹 Have you ever looked back at a moment in time and KNOWN it was the moment your entire life changed? Well, consider this a sign that change is well and truly on the way.  A BIG FLASHING NEON SIGN. 💠 I know. It’s a fucking big promise, but stay with me, because…

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Big news coming!!

  Hey legends! I’ve got some really exciting news I’ve been keeping wrapped up for a few months now that I can’t contain any longer!! 🤩 For the last few months I’ve been working my butt off behind the scenes to create something special for you guys, a true game changer for your life.  Actually, I first started creating this in 2016, can you believe it! 😳 But over the years it’s morphed into newer, more improved versions of itself…

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How would it feel to know exactly what to do to change your emotional state quickly and easily?

  We’re more connected than ever with the growth of social media, and yet we have never been more disconnected in our lives. 📱  Couples going for dinner, sitting on their phones are barely speaking a word. In Australia in 2022 there was an average of nine deaths by suicide per day. 😥 I find this unacceptable, and mostly preventable. What would it take for you to know that you can move through this dark time in your life?  How…

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FREE 7 DAY CHALLENGE – Kick Off Date 22 April 2024

  This is a 7 day challenge for anyone who is feeling stuck and in resistance mode in any area of their life, or in life in general. How do you know if you’re in resistance energy vs flow state? – you feel stuck, lost or in limbo – everything feels like a challenge – you don’t know which direction to go in – you’re cranky and irritable – life just isn’t flowing how you want it to!    …

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Stop playing the victim

  Are you a “victim,” or are you taking responsibility for your life? 🧐  I’m not talking about those who are or have been a victim of some kind of trauma. ❤️‍🩹  But there’s a big difference between being a victim and being a survivor and someone who likes the drama of playing the victim.  So many of us THINK we’re taking responsibility for our own live’s when we aren’t really.  The “victim” mentality is very subtle and it takes…

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