Begin with the end in mind


Do you have big dreams for your life?


When was the last time you took a moment to think about how you’d like your life to truly look and feel in, say, 5-10 years time?


What does your dream life look like?


Have you broken down that dream life into short term, medium term and long term goals?


So many people are coasting through life with no set direction they’re heading in.


This is like getting in your car without knowing where you’re going (which can also be fun sometimes, but not every time!)


Start with the end goal in mind.


I’ll give you an example from my own life.


I knew from age 19, when I did a world trip and travelled around Australia for the first time, that I knew without a doubt that I wanted to move to Australia.


I could have just packed up and gone over on a one year working holiday visa at that point but I knew I wanted to move permanently, so I knew I wanted to get my uni studies done in London and get set up in my career so that I had more chance of being able to stay in Aus for good.


So if my big dream was to live in Aus, what did that look like broken down into goals?


✅ Set my dream as a big juicy goal with an end date in mind to move

✅ Did my uni studies and got myself set up in a career so I was more appealing to Aus for permanent residency

✅ Saved money to move

✅ Stayed focused using law of attraction processes – vision boarding, affirmations, using SMART goals, imagining myself there, holidaying in Aus, making new Aussie mates

✅ Researching where I wanted to live

✅ Checking out visa requirements

✅ Got my visa and booked a one way plane ticket!


Each of the above was broken down into smaller goals with time frames and affirmations to go alongside them.


Then when I got to Aus I had to start working on my next goals – how to move from a temporary visa to a permanent one, re-setting up my biz and career here, saving for my first home, and on it went!


But it all started with the end in mind.


What does your big juicy dream look like?


What goals do you need to set for yourself to make it happen?


I’d love to hear your dreams and goals in the comments.


If you put it out there into the ethers, we can all send you good vibes to help make it happen!


As always, if you want a guide on your journey drop me a message and let’s chat about how coaching and/or energy work can help.


Catcha on the flip side, where dreams have come true.









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