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Life Coaching

Begin with the end in mind

  Do you have big dreams for your life?   When was the last time you took a moment to think about how you’d like your life to truly look and feel in, say, 5-10 years time?   What does your dream life look like?   Have you broken down that dream life into short term, medium term and long term goals?   So many people are coasting through life with no set direction they’re heading in.   This is…

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The best investment you can make is in yourself

If it’s true that your number one asset is YOU, then why aren’t you willing to invest in yourself? All too often I hear people say they really want to {lose weight/feel better/make more money/change their career/insert desire here}, but that they don’t have enough {time/money/confidence/insert objection here}. Here’s the thing. If you’re 100% committed to making a change, you’ll do what it takes. If you don’t have the time, you’ll MAKE the time. If you don’t have the money,…

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Always be failing forward

Let’s face it – life is a series of failures. How do you feel when you look back on your past “failures?” I say that in quotation marks because I don’t really believe that anything is a failure if you choose to look at it in the right way. Failure isn’t fatal. In fact we need failures because they help to challenge us, growing us into a stronger person armed with more knowledge about what to do better next time. So…

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Act your way into a new way of thinking

The other day I was listening to a podcast and the guest said “it’s easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than to think your way into a new way of acting. I totally agree. If you can’t see the video below you can watch it here on YouTube.     It reminded me of watching Tony Robbins speak with someone in his audience who had depression.  To show them how in control they are of…

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A beautiful healing moment

I had the most beautiful visit to a new client yesterday. Initially I went to her house for a cuppa and catch up as she had been referred to me for coaching. We had a lovely chat and she decided to sign up for a 3 month coaching package. She was also keen to try an energy healing and I always travel everywhere with my Reiki table in the back so we did an impromptu treatment. At the start of…

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Don’t give up on your dreams (and why Sly Stallone is the BOSS at this)

This week I’ve been listening to Tony Robbins’ Unleash The Power Within on YouTube and Tony shared a story about his friend Sly Stallone. I admit I’m not the biggest Stallone fan and in fact would reluctantly watch movies that he starred in as I found him annoying to watch despite the fact that he’s done some great movies. But this story really changed my mind about him. If the video doesn’t show above, click here to watch it on…

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