The search for peace

“I am at a place in my life where peace is a priority. I make deliberate life choices to protect my mental, emotional and spiritual state.”

This is a great affirmation you can repeat to yourself if peace has become a goal for you.

I spent most of my life always achieving, working towards the next big goal or dream. 

I’ve been really blessed to always do work I love, helping people get unstuck from the darkest corners of their minds.

But what I noticed was that since I started getting into that kind of work, my personal life also became more complicated.

As an empath, I have a knack of attracting narcissists. 

They are, after all, the shadow aspect of the empath. They are the yang to my yin.

With the empath narcissist attraction comes a lot of drama, toxic energy, hurt and broken hearts. 

I know there are many others who have experienced similar relationships and scratch their heads at all the drama they’ve attracted into their lives.

2019 seems to be bringing in a fresh new energy, for me personally and all of us if we choose to embrace it. 

If you’re an empath, you can choose to embrace self love, self respect and self worth, moving away from the toxic energy of those you know aren’t helping you become your best self. 

I’ve spent the last couple of years turning myself into my own project, Project Self Worth, so I can love myself enough to really own who I am and bring my A Game out into the world, allowing myself to be open to bringing more amazing people in to my life. 

But that starts with acknowledging that you deserve that, which as an empath is one of the toughest jobs we will ever have. 

Narcissists among us also have an opportunity to embrace change. 

There are some out there who are starting to own the fact they need to clear up the past that allowed them to bring out their narcissistic traits and that’s good to see.

It’s not a conscious choice as an empath to attract drama and toxicity but that’s generally what happens until we clock on to the fact that we have full control over it. 

I’m setting a strong intention this year to tell the drama and toxicity to get f@ck3d. 

I’m embracing peace, fun, love, joy and high vibes this year. 

Who’s with me?

Catcha on the flip side, 

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