7 day decluttering challenge ~ starts Monday 27 September (free)


Whether we realise it or not, the state and cleanliness of the space that we live and work in has a big impact on our overall physical and mental health.


Our physical environment is a reflection of our internal environment, so if your external environment is cluttered then your inner world is cluttered too.


Even if you manage to keep all your clutter in one room or garage, you’re still locking away clutter in your mind.


We all know how good it feels to have a good spring clean in our house.


But quite often we neglect to also declutter our homes when we’re cleaning.


The act of decluttering is one of the most significant ways that you can organise your home, reduce your stress levels and improve your physical and mental health.


Clutter often reflects life’s unfinished business.


Clutter is anything you don’t like, use or need.


In feng-shui philosophy, free flowing energy creates health, wealth, love and overall abundance for those who take it in.


Clutter doesn’t just impact the look and feel of your living and working space – it also has a negative impact on your health and your relationships.


Clutter that builds up in your home can cause your stress level to rise, especially if you find yourself constantly losing things or looking for things.


This build up of stress can then take its toll on your health and your communication in your relationships.


Even without you realising it, clutter can:

  • Contribute to fatigue
  • Negatively impact your weight
  • Complicate mood disorders
  • Skew your perspective on life
  • Cause confusion in your life and home
  • Negatively affect your relationships
  • Induce depression


When I think of clutter, I picture all that added, unnecessary “stuff” in our lives.


This extra stuff that piles up and clouds our perspective can lead to health concerns and even relationship issues, so why not work on getting rid of it before it negatively impacts you and your family?


Some benefits of decluttering are:


  1. Having more energy so you’ll be more vibrant and magnetic
  2. more time appears as you’ll save time not having to look for stuff
  3. sleep becomes deeper as brain is less cluttered
  4. Everything in your home will have its place and be easy to find
  5. Less cleaning time as there will be less to clean around


In terms of the law of attraction, holding onto clutter shows the universe that you’re in the energy of lack.


We tend to hoard stuff we don’t need because we think it might be useful one day, or maybe one day we’ll be able to fit back into those jeans we haven’t worn for 7 years.


This all screams lack, as we think financially that we don’t want to be wasteful or lose money in some way.


But when you start getting rid of stuff, it clears out the crappy old energy and paves the way for new, improved and more relevant stuff to come into your life – stuff that brings you joy now, in this present moment.


Sometimes we also hold onto stuff for sentimental value – so even though you haven’t worn those jeans for 10 years, they remind you of a time when you were happy.


But by holding on to them, you’re also holding on to those emotions, and by clearing them out you’re detoxing that old energy for new and better things to come into your life.


Figuring out where to start when it comes to decluttering can be challenging.


It’s important to have a plan for getting rid of the clutter in your home or work environment.


So let’s do this together ~ I’ll be running a free 7 day decluttering challenge starting Monday 27 September.


I declutter every 6 months or so and generally keep my place clutter free, but there’s always more to do!


I’ll run this out of my private Facebook group, From Surviving To Thriving – join here.



I’ll post this blog in the group and pin it to the top of the feed, so comment or add an emoji to that post to let me know you’re keen as I’ll tag you in the challenge posts.


Ready to clear the clutter?


I am!


It’ll be fun doing this as a group 🙂


Catcha on the flip side,










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