I recently did a distant healing on a friend who said he had really sore eyes and it was causing a lot of pain. 👀
I’ve done a lot of healings on him in the past but sore eyes is definitely a new thing for him.
So I did a comprehensive distant healing focusing on the goal if healing whatever was going on with his eyes.
After kicking out any “bad juju” – negative entities, negative thought forms and intrusive energies – and balancing all chakras I tuned into what was specifically needed to heal his eyes.
His eyes were covered in stress webs so I removed those and then I restructured his eyes. 🕸️
But then I found there was an astral object stuck in each eye – a 6 inch dagger in his left which was connected to how he was killed in a past life and in his eye I found a chopstick.
That’s a new one! 😂
Never seen a chopstick in someone’s energy field before and when I tuned into more information about it, he’d fallen on it in a past life and stabbed himself in the eye! 👁️
I touched base with him a couple of times over the next week and he said his eyes were much better.
“Mate I’m kicking like a wounded bull, feeling way better since the healing”.
I’ve found it so interesting when I find astral objects in people’s energy.
They can be found sitting in the 4th layer of our energy field.
Often the objects I find (can be daggers, spears, cannon balls, needles, and apparently chopsticks too!) 🥢 relate to how they were killed in a past life.
But they can also be connected to emotions in this lifetime.
For example, when we experience a high level of emotional pain we can feel like we’ve been ‘stabbed in the heart’.
In those cases I do tend to find an energetic dagger stuck in their heart. 🗡️ 💔
By removing these objects and balancing their energy it speeds up the healing needed.
I find it so fascinating doing this work and seeing how much better my clients feel afterwards.
Keen to know more?
Drop a CHOPSTICK in the comments and I’ll message you.
As always, if you want a guide on your journey, drop me a message and let’s chat about how coaching and/or energy work can help.
Plus come over and join my free group here.
Catcha on the flip side, where we get rid of chopsticks from eyeballs 👀 😂