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distant healing

Act now before you lose out!

  Hey legend   Just wanted to reiterate what you’ll be missing out on if you miss this live round of From Surviving To Thriving.   Here’s EVERYTHING you get as a member of From Surviving To Thriving:   This is a 6 week transformational journey that includes:    6 x 1 Hour live group video calls (starting 5 June 2024) 6 From Surviving To Thriving Modules (with several lessons in each) 1 hour bonus group distant healing session via…

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Come on in! The doors are officially open! 🥳

  Hey legend!  Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! 🤩 I couldn’t be more excited that the day has finally arrived. You can legit sign up for my From Surviving To Thriving Program today!! 👏🏼 I just KNOW how life changing these tools are, because I’ve used them to create my own dream life and have since supported hundreds of clients to do the same. That’s why I wanted all these amazing tools in one place for you – so you don’t have to go…

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The importance of cutting energy cords

  Each week I see anywhere between three and forty people for energy work, either in person or via remote healing. 🙌🏻 Because of the amount of people I’m working on each week I notice themes occuring in my clients. These themes can last weeks or even months. One of the themes I’m noticing right now is that people are needing cord cutting.     Just like when we’re born with an umbilical cord attaching us to our mums, we…

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Excuse me sir, you have a chopstick in your eye!

  I recently did a distant healing on a friend who said he had really sore eyes and it was causing a lot of pain. 👀 I’ve done a lot of healings on him in the past but sore eyes is definitely a new thing for him. So I did a comprehensive distant healing focusing on the goal if healing whatever was going on with his eyes. After kicking out any “bad juju” – negative entities, negative thought forms and…

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Staying balanced during relationship stress

During stressful times it can be really easy for us to stop doing anything that keeps us in balance. I cannot emphasise enough the importance of keeping on top of your energy hygiene during these times as a way of helping you stay grounded and to help you regulate your emotions.   If you feel in need of an energy tune up, drop me a message and let’s chat. Sessions can be done in person or remotely via distant healing.…

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What I’m seeing in people’s energy right now

    Each week I see anywhere between 2 + 25 clients for in person or distant healing.   I notice “trends” in people’s energy fields so in a week there are often quite a few clients presenting with the same things going on in their energy fields.   The last 2 weeks what I’ve noticed is heart, lung + throat stuff going on.     I’ve needed to flush the heart + lung meridians, restructure the organs of the…

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