Big exciting news for you amazing legends! šŸ¤©


Maybe youā€™ve been feeling a little (or a lot!) stuck, anxious, overwhelmed, like a shell of your former self and unsure what action to take next? šŸ„¹

Have you ever looked back at a moment in time and KNOWN it was the moment your entire life changed?

Well, consider this a sign that change is well and truly on the way.Ā 


I know. Itā€™s a fucking big promise, but stay with me, because I never offer something I canā€™t deliver on.Ā Ā 

Dedicate 1 minute to reading this post so that change doesnā€™t pass you by.Ā 


Back in 2010, I was depressed, feeling stuck, lost, in limbo, and a complete shell of myself. šŸ«„


Without giving you my long winded story the gist is this:Ā 

After years of dealing with other peopleā€™s mental health issues, abusive relationships with narcissists, putting myself last, having shit boundaries and not loving or respecting myself, I fell into a heap of depression, burnout and chronic pain.. šŸ˜­


I was far from happy, felt lethargic and unmotivated, and felt like a fraud.Ā 


I did everything I could to try and feel better but I felt all it was doing was stopping me from losing my shit completely.Ā 

I was on the verge of giving up. šŸ˜„

If you looked from the outside, you may have thought I was doing well, but the truth is I was hanging on by my fingernails.Ā 

And thenā€¦ I started finding breadcrumbs that finally helped me drag myself out of the mud.Ā 

Over the next few months and years, I learned a series of tools that led me back to my true self. šŸ„°

A version of me that is so much better than the person I was even before I fell into a heap.Ā 

I started to put these tools and strategies into a sequence that made sense, and started sharing it with my coaching and healing clients. ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹Ā 

I realised Iā€™d discovered a formula that can guide people out of that dark and nasty hole that I was in and that a lot of people I found myself supporting were in too.Ā 

Iā€™m SO glad I did.Ā 

Finding this formula and fully committing to my own transformation has meant that I now get the pleasure and fulfillment of being the light in a dark place for many others. šŸ’”Ā 


Because I committed to my transformation, every single area of my life has completely changed:

  • From broke ($53k in debt with my house in mortgage collections) to more financial freedom, my own house and savings in the bank šŸ¦Ā 
  • From abusive relationships to finding the love of my life who is the most caring and supportive man Iā€™ve ever met šŸ˜
  • From abusing and disrespecting my body to living a healthy life šŸ‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøĀ 
  • From living in London, wishing I lived in the sunshine to being a citizen of Australia šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗĀ 
  • From depression to happiness šŸ„°
  • From waking up and wishing I hadnā€™t, to bouncing out of bed because I love my life ā¤ļøĀ 


But letā€™s be real – this wasnā€™t an overnight thing.Ā 

There was no magic pill, no silver bullet. šŸ’ŠĀ 

I didnā€™t just sit there and wish it all into existence.Ā 




I got obsessed with diving even deeper into personal development and healing tools, signed up for as many trainings, courses and mentorships as I could get my hands on and spent $$$$$$ trying to fit the pieces of the puzzle together until I created my own step by step formula.Ā 

And the proof Iā€™d taken the right steps was (and still is) in the results! šŸ«¶šŸ»

For the first time ever, I was free of the baggage that had been holding me back and moving towards creating my dream life.Ā Ā 

Iā€™d freed myself. šŸ†“Ā 

If you havenā€™t felt that moment of freedom when the weight lifts off your shouldersā€¦ just wait.Ā 

Itā€™s coming and itā€™s SO. FUCKING. AMAZING.Ā 


These days, Iā€™m truly happy, in a loving and supportive relationship with an incredible man, have amazing friends and family in my life, am doing fulfilling work I love and I am SO. FUCKING. EXCITED FOR THE FUTURE!


All because of that hard graft and inspired action I took back then.Ā 

So hereā€™s the dealio: I want to share the big lessons I learned during that time with a few select people.Ā 

Those who are truly ready to embrace a new way and devote themselves to forging a new life. ā˜ŗļø

For those who are ready and committed to doing the work, Iā€™ve been working on something awesome behind the scenes thatā€™ll mean you donā€™t have to waste years on struggle street like I did.Ā 

Youā€™ll be able to fast track straight to the good bit.

Sound good? šŸ‘šŸ¼Ā 

The problem Iā€™m having is this:Ā 

The work I do is deeply supportive and fundamentally life changing.Ā 

As a result I can only open up to a few select people at a time.

This is only available to 20 people for this live round and 6 spots are already gone!!

When you understand how much of my personal time and money I have (and will continue to be) investing into providing this hugely transformational experience, youā€™ll truly understand its value.


So, what are the next steps?!

If youā€™re interested to hear more, type the word, READY in the comments. šŸ‘šŸ¼Ā 

Iā€™ll personally send you a private message so we can book in a quick call where Iā€™ll share all the details with you and we can decide whether or not weā€™re a good fit.

These calls are on a first come, first serve basis, and like I said, Iā€™m keeping this open for only a few motivated peeps. šŸ¤©

Anyone who comments, READY will get first dibs!

But the doors wonā€™t stay open forever. Youā€™ll have only until Saturday 25 May to decide whether or not youā€™re ready for the next level.

After that, youā€™ll have missed your chance!


So to get more details right away, do these 2 things:

  1. Type READY in the comments




  1. Keep an eye on your Messenger inbox for a message from me so we can arrange a time to chat. (If you donā€™t see it, check your ā€˜message requestā€™ folder!)


Nowā€™s your chance! šŸ„³

I so fucking want this for you, because I know it will change your life!

Youā€™ll see for yourself soon enoughā€¦

Catcha on the flip side,



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