The practice of “I feel fank u”



I have four awesome, crazy little nephews who are unfortunately a long way away in New York.


My fam has a group family chat and every now and again, we get a little voice message from Mr Four.


Hitting play on this has got to be one of the highlights of my day.


You hear in his little sniffly four year old voice;


“I feel fank u for….” with him repeating this over and over with a bunch of things he’s grateful for that day, interspersed with hilarious high pitch screeches.


I love that my bro and sis-in-law are instilling this practice in their kids.


Gratitude is such a high vibe emotion; when we focus on what we have to be grateful for, we get more of the same.


I shared a quote the other day; “I complained about my shoes, until I saw the man with no feet”.


It’s often true that those of us who have the least are the happiest, most grateful people.


Those who have the most often complain about a lot.


You can’t think a positive and negative thought at the same time.


So if you spend more of your time feeling grateful, imagine how much better you’ll feel.


There’s always something to be grateful for.


What are you “fank u” for today?


Name at least three things.


I’ll start.


I feel fank u for my amazing family

I feel fank u for my incredibly loving fiancé

I feel fank u for getting to live in such a beautiful country

I feel fank u for getting to do work I love every day

I feel fank u for a healthy body and mind

I feel fank u for LIFE.


I’d love to hear your fank u’s too.


Make this a daily practice; even better, get your fam involved at the dinner table each day.


Imagine how different the world would be if we all did this every day.


I feel fank u for YOU.


Much love.


Catcha on the flip side,









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