Design your perfect day

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What would your perfect day look like? Have you ever really thought about it?

I know what mine looks like from the minute I wake up. At first when someone asked me that question I had a vague idea, but it wasn’t until I got really crystal clear about it that I got super excited. When you get that kind of clarity, the Universe starts aligning it’s shizzle to give you what you want.

Here’s some homeplay for you to do this weekend: take a piece of paper and start writing down your perfect day. Do this in as much detail as you can, from the minute that you wake up, to the time you go to bed.

What time do you wake up, do you need to set your alarm? What’s the first thing you see? What does your morning routine look like?

How do you want to spend your day, and who with? What sounds, smells and sights are around you as you go about your day? Are you working? If so, doing what? If not, what else are you doing?

What foods do you eat throughout the day? Who are you spending dinner with? What does your evening look like, and how do you feel when you wrap up the day?

Include in the detail how you feel throughout your day. Infuse your day with feelings, sounds, smells etc. Then for extra bonus points, record yourself reading out your ideal day and use it as a visualisation! Listen to it every day for extra manifesting power 🙂 where your attention goes, energy flows!

Are you ready to stop struggling through life? Are you sick of feeling like you’re stuck in survival mode? Come and join my other members who are also on their journey From Surviving To Thriving.

Learn more here.

Enjoy my lovelies 🙂

Catcha on the flip side,


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