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negative thinking

Instead of becoming bitter, become better

    “Attitude is a choice.  Happiness is a choice.  Optimism is a choice.  Kindness is a choice.  Giving is a choice.  Respect is a choice.  Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.”  – Roy T. Bennett   We’ve all been treated unfairly at times ~ it’s part of life. 😞   Certain situations can lead us to feel angry, upset, mistreated and resentful. 😡    It’s perfectly normal to feel that way, but when you allow yourself to…

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The practice of “I feel fank u”

    I have four awesome, crazy little nephews who are unfortunately a long way away in New York.   My fam has a group family chat and every now and again, we get a little voice message from Mr Four.   Hitting play on this has got to be one of the highlights of my day.   You hear in his little sniffly four year old voice;   “I feel fank u for….” with him repeating this over and…

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Stop feeding the monsters in your head – water the seeds instead

  We all have days where the Negative Nancy/Ned in our head spirals out of control. Where lack of sleep, pain or illness, our environment or whatever it might be, gets the better of us. But our mindset is key here to how far we allow ourselves to spiral down the rabbit hole of shitty thoughts. We all have good and bad days – that’s part of life. Have you ever noticed how people who constantly complain have more bad…

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How to navigate your shitty thoughts

Around 80% of our thoughts are negative.  Does that number surprise you? In my twenties I did some volunteering as an Appropriate Adult for vulnerable adults being interviewed by the Police. (Side note: a lot of my mates will have a giggle at me having the title “Appropriate Adult”) 😆 As part of that training we learned about mental health and anxiety provoking thoughts that can lead to behaviour change during interviews. As homework we were told to pay closer attention…

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A tumour is to cancer what thoughts are to depression

Crazy when you think of it that way, but it’s true. It’s the negative thoughts that we choose to think that easily and quickly spiral us downhill. Yes, I said CHOOSE to think. When you’re stuck in a negative thought spiral it can be easy to think that we have no control over our thoughts – but that just isn’t true. It’s not necessarily easy to change your thinking, it doesn’t happen overnight, but it’s worth it. It takes discipline,…

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Learn to soothe yourself when things aren’t going your way

When things aren’t working out the way we want them to, we often find ourselves in a negative headspace about things. When we’re feeling stuck and negative about a challenge we’re going through, it’s really easy for our thinking around it to spiral downhill. We also tend to get really specific about our perceived problems and that can lead to festering thoughts too. For example – if you had to pay the mortgage next week and you knew you didn’t…

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