Someone pissing you off? Try this


Is someone in your life annoying you at the moment? 😤


Try writing out a list of their positive aspects/traits. 🧐 


Once you get going, the list is usually longer than you think it’ll be! 🙃


By doing this you start to observe the things you love about that person as what you focus on is what you get more of (law of attraction), and so you’re brain starts filtering out the things you don’t love so much, or it just so happens the person isn’t around you when they are doing the thing that frustrates you 😋


Also consider whether the things that are triggering you about them are also traits that you have that you may be projecting onto them. 


If they’re your parent/child/partner, also have a think about how the thing you’re perceiving as negative might be helping you grow in some way. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Just a few things to think about! 


Give it a nudge and let me know how it goes for you.


If you’re sick of the baggage that’s keeping you stuck, join my FREE FB group here for value bombs and freebies:


As always, if you want a guide on your journey, drop me a message and let’s chat about how coaching and/or energy work can help. 


Catcha on the flip side,


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