Money Manifesting + Clearing Debt ~ with Coach Carly


Clear the debt that’s keeping you stuck and create more abundance in your life! 🫶🏻

A two hour workshop jam packed full of useful tips to help you get a reality check on your current money story, learn practical tools to release the debt as well as tools to manifest more abundance. 🙏

I’ve created this workshop for people like you who are feeling stuck in debt, just about making ends meet and sick of struggling to pay the bills. 🥴


This is for you if:

* Your overwhelmed with fear about how to pay your bills

* You’re in debt up to your eyeballs

* You can’t remember a time where you weren’t in debt

* Savings? What savings?!

* You’d love to afford nice holidays and treats for yourself but feel guilty when you spend money on “things you don’t need”



I’ve been where you are. 🥹

Since my University days and my first student loan and credit cards, I got so used to being in debt with loans and credit cards that it became the norm for me.

I also seemed to be really good at attracting partners who were terrible with money, and with my overly generous personality I’d find myself paying for everything.

In my late twenties to late thirties, I was in a world of financial pain. 😳

I trained as a Law of Attraction Coach in 2013, and had been using Law of Attraction tools for a few years before that.

I’d become really good at manifesting more and more money, but I also found that the more money I manifested, the more seemed to flow away from me. 

Along the way, I also had to learn how to release my money blocks and change my money story, as well as set boundaries in my personal life and love myself enough so I stopped attracting guys that took advantage of my generosity!


In 2018, I found myself in $53,000 worth of debt (among personal loans and several credit cards), my house was in mortgage collections (and it was a new build which I couldn’t afford to finish so I had concrete floors, no finished garden and no window coverings), and there was one week I couldn’t even afford to buy toilet roll! 🚽 

Once I got super clear on what was really holding me back, I ditched my relationship and broke up with my bad money story. 

It only took me 18 months to pay off all the debt, get my mortgage up to date, finish my house and pay off my car five months early.

I turned my house into an investment property and have an abundance of savings in the bank. 💰 

I now pay cash for most things I want and only use my one credit card to get air miles, paying it off every month.

Want to know how I did it?




You’ll take stock of where you’re at right now (instead of continuing to bury your head in the sand) and learn practical actions to plug money leaks and clear your debt.



You’ll uncover the limiting money beliefs that are holding you back and learn tools to heal your money story.



You’ll learn my top abundance and wealth creating tools that you can keep using for life!

Imagine a life….

* Free from debt

* With savings in the bank

* Not having to check how much things cost before you buy them

* Finally planning those holidays

* Buying your dream house

* Paying your bills with ease and grace



This event will be live streamed on Zoom as well as in a private Facebook group (a recording will also be available after the live) and you’ll also get a workbook for the event.


PAYMENT LINK ~ payment options ($111);

* bank transfer:

Carly Evans T/As Coach Carly

BSB 016-246

Acct 461417458

* PayPal/credit card


** please use your name as reference **


Catch a on the flip side, where money comes easily and effortlessly 🙂


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