Anxiety, depression & baby steps

Last week I interviewed the awesome Heidi Anderson from Hit 92.9fm breakfast radio in Perth, and founder of Real Heidi.

I’ve listened to Heidi on the radio for a few years now and have seen her journey change over the last couple of years to opening up around her own struggles with anxiety and the healing journey she’s been on for the last 18 months.

It’s quite a hilarious convo at times where we even chat about missing Yoni eggs 😂

Watch or listen here on YouTube:

I shared a bit about my experience of depression and Heidi and I agreed it’s all about the baby steps when you’re in your darkest moments, not trying to pressure yourself into getting better or getting it “right.”

I went for a walk at the beach later and took some peeps along via a Facebook live video where I went on a deeper dive into what baby steps look like when you’re in anxiety or depression.

You can watch that replay here:

Are you struggling with anxiety or depression right now? Watch this. It’s all about the baby steps xx

Posted by Coach Carly on Friday, February 16, 2018

Are you struggling with anxiety or depression right now? I’ve worked for years with people facing mental health issues, supporting them to move past the thick fog they’re in and get on the road to recovery.

Get in touch with me to see how I can help you. I can offer everything from free resources, online coaching and 1:1 work for a deeper discovery.

I’d also love to hear from you about what has worked for you in terms of recovery from anxiety/depression.

Wherever you are in the world and whatever you’re up to today, I hope the sun shines on you.

Catcha on the flip side,


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