Why forgiveness is so important

I was interviewed by the gorgeous Catherine Keeley from Nourished Life a couple of weeks ago about the power of forgiveness. It was such a fun chat with lots of awesome tips and practical techniques you can use to move forward in your own life.

Forgiveness doesn’t have to be about forgiving the person to their face.

Holding onto resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Do yourself a favour and let that shit go! It’s so toxic to your energy field that if you hold onto this anger, bitterness and resentment then eventually it’ll bite you in the @rse and more than likely you’ll experience it later in your body in the form of physical pain, dis-ease and injuries.

Check out this video and commit to making a start with forgiving the past – that includes forgiving yourself.

If you’re having trouble forgiving the past then join my free Facebook group From Surviving to Thriving and we can help you out.

Are you ready to stop struggling through life? Are you sick of feeling like you’re stuck in survival mode? Come and join my members of my online program who are also on their journey From Surviving To Thriving.

Learn more here.

If you can’t see the video above you can click here to check it out on YouTube.

Catcha on the flip side,


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