When accidents happen…


Last week I had a car accident & it was just another thing that highlighted the difference between my amazing relationship with Hot Fiancé vs my unhealthy relationships in the past

In my past relationships my ex would make it all about what a hassle it was for him, even when an accident wasn’t at all my fault. 

I wouldn’t want to call him or put him out in any way so I’d soldier on alone as best I could.

When I nearly killed myself on a motorbike his biggest concern was what he’d have to tell my dad & what he’d think of him. He never asked how I was feeling & I felt pressure to work straight away to pay the bills even with bad concussion. 

Yesterday, Hot Fiancé was the first person I wanted to speak to & see. He was there immediately & only concerned about me. 

He dealt with towie’s when they weren’t listening to me, made sure I was ok & that the other driver was ok, spoke to the police & ambo’s while I was organising a tow, got all my belongings out of my car & got me coffee (given for free by Caltex, thanks legends!)

When we got home he went to get us lunch & then spent a big chunk of his day looking at cars for me in case mine is a write-off. I feel so grateful for him & his character. Knowing I was safe with him yesterday meant I allowed him to support me rather than feeling I needed to do it all on my own.

Healthy vs unhealthy relationships. Massive difference between them. Where does yours fit?

As always, if you want a guide on your journey, drop me a message and let’s chat about how coaching and/or energy work can help. 

Plus come over and join my free group here.

Catcha on the flip side,


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