We are more beautiful for having been broken



I was in a workshop the other day where a clinical psychologist was talking about Post Traumatic Growth (PTG) and showed this picture of a broken bowl, repaired with gold or silver lacquer, called Kintsukuroi.

The idea is the piece is more beautiful for having been broken. I thought this was such a beautiful idea.

In the world of personal development there is a constant quest for “fixing” the broken pieces of ourselves in order to move on from the past, heal the hurts and become a better version of ourselves than before.

Sometimes we get lost in the “broken-ness” that we are experiencing at the time, viewing it as a bad thing.

In that state of mind it’s easy to get stuck in the poor me-ness of it all and play the victim.

But with this understanding that we are more beautiful for having been broken, it can be easier for us to just allow those shitty feelings, acknowledge and accept them, and know that we will come out the other end with more learning and growth, a better understanding of who we are – whenever that might be.

If you’re reading this while you’re going through a really crappy time I know this probably sounds simplistic, but there is always a choice and we can choose whether we let our circumstances halt our growth or let it turn us into a beautiful butterfly after a period of integration.

We also need to know that we don’t need to always focus on “fixing” ourselves.

It’s a lesson for some of us to just be – be patient, rest, allow ourselves to process what’s happening, and know that we are amazing just as we are – especially when we have been through a lot.

After all, I have never met a spectacular person who hasn’t gone through a whole load of shit in their lives, along with a period of thinking “why the f*ck is this happening to me.”

If you’re feeling broken and want to chat about it, or would like to move forward from where you are and understand the learning in it, get in touch 🙂

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Catcha on the flip side,







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