Surround Yourself With Positivity And Watch Your Life Change ? #toptips

Hey guys

I did a Facebook Live today about my top tips to surround yourself with positivity and watch how your life changes.

Watch the video here. 



My tops tips to flood your brain each and every day with positivity are:

  • Set the alarm for half an hour earlier than usual. When it goes off, plug in your headphones and listen to a meditation, affirmations, subliminal affirmations or binaural beats – I listen to all of mine on YouTube. My fave is Bob Proctor’s abundance meditation.
  • Name your alarm something cool – when I turn off my alarm the first thing I see written is “today is going to be amazeballs.”
  • Listen to Podcasts that motivate and inspire you – I have the Podcast App downloaded onto my iPhone and I listen to Podcasts while I’m driving, getting ready in the morning or milling around doing chores.
  • Surround yourself with positive affirmations – carved wooden statements like love/laugh/live/happy, or canvas quotes on your walls.
  • Spend less time around those who drain you and more time around friends that charge up your vibe.
  • Don’t engage in the drama of the news, switch to reading positive, uplifting stories.


Leave a comment below with your favourite ways to raise your positive vibe!

Catcha on the flip side,







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