Sometimes… I remember


Sometimes I feel a deep sadness rise up in me, for all the times I let myself down. 🥺

For all the times I gave my power away to others.

For all those times I kept my mouth shut while they abused me. 🫢

For all the times I failed to stand up for myself, or to speak my authentic truth. 

For letting them turn me into a person I didn’t like. 🫣

For giving away my energy, my love, my time and my money so easily to people who never deserved it.

And then… I remember. 🤗

I remember how hard I worked on myself for all these years.

I remember that because I worked so hard, I finally broke free from them. 🥹

I finally loved myself enough to leave, and never go back.

I finally trusted myself again.

I started to respect myself, my life and my body in a way I didn’t before. 🥰

I finally realised how fucking great I am.

And then… I met him. 😍

He saw my greatness.

Sees my greatness. 

Even when I don’t see it myself. 😌

And I realise, I never really knew love before now.

And I’m so grateful to myself for never giving up.

Because if I had, I wouldn’t be here, now, loving all of me, loving him, and being loved unconditionally for exactly who I am.

Thank you babe, for bringing out the best in me ❤️❤️❤️

MLY xxx

If you want to know the tools I used to help me get here, comment/reply LOVE, and I’ll send them to you for free. 

Catcha on the flip side, where real love is possible. 


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