Happy new year to you and yours


2021 has drawn to a close and it’s always a good time to reflect on the year you’ve had and what you want to create in 2022.


How was your year?


What lessons and blessings came your way?


What happened that you need to heal from?


What do you want 2022 to look like for you and your fam?


Thank you to all those who are in my life, to those who follow my pages and blogs, and to my amazing clients.


I’ve loved watching what my Reiki students and coaching clients have created this year.


They’ve healed past baggage, created new careers and businesses, enrolled in courses they’d wanted to do for years, ended relationships that weren’t right for them, and found true love.


It’s always magical for me to see the journey my clients and students go on as a result of their commitment to doing the work.


If 2021 wasn’t what you hoped for, and you’re ready for bigger things in 2022, get in touch and let’s chat about how coaching and/or energy work can help.


Let’s do this 2022.


Catcha on the flip side,









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