How forgiveness can propel you towards your dreams


Happy new day peeps!

Life has been pretty busy lately and I have LOADS of cool stuff on the go. I’ve been doing some processes that the gorgeous Denise Duffield-Thomas teaches that I downloaded as part of her Mega Money Manifesting bundle. Now, these processes aren’t specific to money, they can be used for any area of your life.

The majority of the techniques Denise teaches about are techniques I have been using for a long time. But there is one she teaches that I hadn’t used before, called the forgiveness exercise – and it is fast becoming my absolute favourite.

Holding onto resentment and negative feelings only creates energy disturbances and stuck energy in your body, which holds you back. When you release this stuck energy, your manifesting powers propel you forward faster towards your goal.

I spoke about this forgiveness exercise recently with Sam as part of his Coffee With a Beat-Boxer blog, and you can listen to the audio here.

I was also lucky enough to be invited that same week to a training call for network marketers, where I was asked to speak about the Law of Attraction. You can listen to that call here.

And also in that week, I was invited to write a story about something I manifested in a book a friend is having published. So lots happening on the manifesting front for me and I’m loving it! Every time I do the forgiveness exercise I release more old crappy energy that holds me back, and as a result I am propelled towards my dreams even faster. Seriously, without exception, EVERY time I do this exercise, cool manifesting happens – more coaching clients booking in, my man taking me out for dinner, maxing out my Reiki workshop two months before the date, manifesting $1000 in affiliate commissions, and more…. as well as just feeling a lot lighter in my energy.

If you would like to get cracking on manifesting the life of your dreams, I would LOVE to help you. Drop me a PM or email and let’s chat!

Are you ready to stop struggling through life? Are you sick of feeling like you’re stuck in survival mode? Come and join my other members who are also on their journey From Surviving To Thriving.

Learn more here.

Catcha on the flip side!



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