Guest blog: The Energy of Words (Part 1)


by Mandy Milburn at In2ition Australia

You have by now, heard of the Law of Attraction and the direct power that our thoughts and intentions have on our lives, but do ever you find yourself getting lost in translation; confused with our very own language and what words to use? Or maybe you are completely unaware of the power of the words you are using to yourself and to others and the potentially opposite and negative intention they are creating for you. Even if you have never heard of the Law of Attraction, knowing which thoughts or words resonate with you on an energetic level can really help you pinpoint and eradicate destructive vocabulary.

Words are far more than just a form of communication. The very sight of a word can evoke emotion without hearing it spoken and all words have an energetic value; a sound frequency. These frequencies linger and can be extremely damaging. Experiments with water crystals (Dr. Masaru Emoto) have shown that the intentions and vibrations associated with words change the molecular form of what the words are directed to, that’s how powerful they are.

Thoughts are also words and on average every person processes up to 60,000 thoughts a day. That’s 38-45 thoughts per minute, per person! Of course, those who meditate and practice mindfulness have a huge advantage and it is something that everyone should be practicing, but it is still a mind-blowing number of electrical impulses flicking from your heart to head all day.

To know how to use words effectively to improve our lives, first we must understand how they are being used currently so that we can break any negative patterns. Negative words that don’t resonate with your greater good are like energetic junk food. Every word you use must make you feel good. For example, whenever we do something out of our comfort zone we might challenge ourselves to do it which is great, but may use the words fear, trepidation or nervousness as a part of the process. In turn we are creating more situations to experience fear. By switching our words to those such as trust and confidence in taking risks or facing new challenges, we affirm our trust in our own ability and situations that create abundance and trust will be created.

A 2005 study (Robert Schrauf, Negative Words Dominate Language) revealed that negative words dominate our vocabulary! A massive 50% of words used to express emotions were found to be negative, 30% positive and 20% neutral. There are five to seven basic emotions that show up in every language and appear to have similar meanings. Among 37 languages, the words for joy, fear, anger, sadness, disgust, shame and guilt each carry very similar definitions. All of these words are negative except one. It was proposed that this could be down to a human coping mechanism and that our survival depends on being able to express ourselves correctly and when in a state of pain or suffering we need to be clearly understood. The lesser negative words have then been created from those necessary words. The word ‘fear’ indicates a threat so we pay more attention to it and the mental processing behind it. With less threatening words, there is less mental processing required and in turn less attention is paid to it – positive and neutral words are processed in a kind of autopilot mode. If you think about that for a moment, you can understand why humans may be dwelling on negative words simply because we instinctually must process it. Having this awareness is a major advantage and once you make the decision to change your thoughts you will be able to catch and reduce the processing time of any negative type words.

Next time you are being faced with a challenging time and you feel that you are ‘hurting’, try telling yourself you are ‘healing’. Even that small but powerful shift in words can have a major shift in your emotional wellbeing. You will shift from feeling all the negative aspects associated with the word hurt and instead you will start to resonate with all the positive attributes of the word heal.

If you have a deep repetitive self talk or thought that says “I’m not worth it,” then it won’t be long before others start treating you like that. After all, it is you that is creating your reality. You are the master and creator and the building blocks of life are energy.

Thoughts, words and intentions will affect different planes of our being including the mental plane, spirit plane and physical plane.

The mental plane captures all our intellectual processes like thought, creativity, dreams, phobias, imagination etc. and words that work through this plane are some of the most powerful as thought is the primary tool in creating our dreams, goals and desires.

The spirit plane includes our emotions and spiritual activities like love, anger, hurt, passion, peace etc. Working with this plane will assist you in being able to put your emotions behind your desires to accelerate your manifestation powers. Words on this plane are as powerful and emotionally fuel the thoughts you start with on the mental plane.

The physical plane is actually the least powerful in terms of manifesting. By the stage the words reach this plane, it has manifested, just like our physical body has. This is the plane that we ‘do’ what we manifested and our senses are usually activated here when words reach through from the other planes. It’s really important to make sure that you only allow the positive words most for your greater good into this physical plane.

In Part II I will talk to you more about decoding words with Pythagorean numerology and how to create a Top Ten list of Positive Power Words and Part III we will look at the impact negative thoughts and words can have on your health.

More about Mandy Milburn

Mandy Milburn is the creator of In2ition. She has a Diploma in Colour Therapy and a Diploma in Meditation, she is a Crystal Healing Practitioner & Reiki Master, is qualified at Emotional Freedom Technique Level 1 and is currently undergoing her Shamanic training (although she already incorporates a lot of shamanic practices in her work).

Mandy offers one on one private intuitive healing sessions in Perth and conducts Colour Me Happy workshops that empower you with the knowledge and understanding about the hidden messages in colour and how to harness the power of light and vibration for a more balanced and happier life. These workshops are packed full of information, practical exercises and art therapy.

Mandy also conducts Mindful Warrior meditation groups across Perth for teenage girls and boys (separate groups), and groups for women. These weekly groups incorporate the basic knowledge about the history of meditation and teach valuable and practical ways for meditating in every day life to manage stress, anxiety and to create a peaceful state of mindfulness. Great for teens studying and dealing with the pressures of being an adolescent today and great for women who are at the point of saying, it’s my turn and who are really looking to go within themselves and shine bright. Groups can be small and intimate with friends, or with new people to meet. Mandy’s fresh, innovative approach and her passion to share her wisdom and offer healings, offers a vivacious and unique vision to communicate ancient healing arts and she is looking forward to working with you. Find out more about In2ition products and services by visiting www.myin2ition.com.au or visit her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/myin2ition. She would ‘LIKE’ to have you on board as part of the In2ition journey!

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