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In2ition Australia

Guest blog: The Energy of Words (Part 3)

by Mandy Milburn at In2ition Australia The Energy of Words Part II showed us how to work out the numerical value of each word. Now is the time to know what positive and negative attributes are associated with the numbers of the words you are using. Once you discover the energetic power of these words, you may feel pleased, or you may feel shocked at what you discover. Either way, these discoveries are important so that you can avoid any…

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Guest blog: The Energy of Words (Part 1)

by Mandy Milburn at In2ition Australia You have by now, heard of the Law of Attraction and the direct power that our thoughts and intentions have on our lives, but do ever you find yourself getting lost in translation; confused with our very own language and what words to use? Or maybe you are completely unaware of the power of the words you are using to yourself and to others and the potentially opposite and negative intention they are creating for…

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