I shared this story yesterday with a client as it was relevant to what was going on for them.
Back when I was around 27 (just yesterday then ?) I was living in London, in a toxic abusive relationship that was draining me and I was burnt out.
I went to go and see someone for an energy healing and on the way out of the underground, as I was walking up the stairs I saw this shop in front of me selling fairy cakes/cupcakes.
This big lemon yellow cup cake was glowing and calling my name, “Carly, buy me, buuuuyyyy me” ???
I love lemon and yellow is my fave colour – for me it’s the colour of sunshine, joy and happiness, all things that I was seriously lacking in my life at that point.
I bought it with the intention to share half with my boyfriend.
I then turned up to see the energy healer and we had a chat about what was going on for me. I told her about the cupcake.
She asked me what I wanted instead of what I was experiencing and all she heard in my answers was what others expected of me or what I assumed they wanted me to be.
She asked me “who would you be, and what would you be doing, if you weren’t making decisions based on what your boyfriend/parents want from you?”
I closed my eyes and immediately saw myself in Australia, spinning around in pure joy looking up at the sky with my arms out, heart open taking it all in.
It was a proper “the hiiiiiiiiiillllllss are aliiiiiive” moment ?
And into my head popped the thought “happiness is a fairy cake.”
What that means for me is that the simple shit makes me really happy.
It’s the simple things in life, often the free things, that make me the happiest.
Sunshine. The beach. The ocean. Walks and talks. Being around people I love, who love me back without expectation. Cuddles and hugs. Smiles and fun.
And fairy cakes. Yellow ones.
She then did a healing on me and I allowed myself to release so many negative emotional attachments to others that were draining me.
I started to think more about nourishing myself before others. It took me a couple of years still to get there, and I still sometimes have to remind myself to put myself first.
I used to see that as selfish, now I see it as THE priority.
After all, when you’ve filled your own cup you have much more to give others. I’m also much more selective about who I give to.
I love life and fun, but back then all the joy had been sucked out of me.
The lemon yellow fairy cake was a fresh start for me.
My intention had been to share it with my now ex-boyfriend.
But I left that healing, went to a park and ate that mo fo on my own.
And it felt sooooo good to allow myself that.
Happiness is a fairy cake people. Keep it simple.
Are you ready to stop struggling through life? Are you sick of feeling like you’re stuck in survival mode? Come and join my other members who are also on their journey From Surviving To Thriving.
Catcha on the flip side,