FREE 7 DAY CHALLENGE – Kick Off Date 22 April 2024


This is a 7 day challenge for anyone who is feeling stuck and in resistance mode in any area of their life, or in life in general.

How do you know if you’re in resistance energy vs flow state?

– you feel stuck, lost or in limbo

– everything feels like a challenge

– you don’t know which direction to go in

– you’re cranky and irritable

– life just isn’t flowing how you want it to!



Join us for this fun and easy challenge to help you get unstuck and go with the flow!

When you’re in flow state, life is fun, easy, light and things just seem to fall into your lap.

Who doesn’t want to be in flow?!

Each day you’ll receive a video with some fun and easy home play that will help you shift out of that stuck energy and help you get clarity.


Let’s do this!

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