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FREE 7 DAY CHALLENGE – Kick Off Date 22 April 2024

  This is a 7 day challenge for anyone who is feeling stuck and in resistance mode in any area of their life, or in life in general. How do you know if you’re in resistance energy vs flow state? – you feel stuck, lost or in limbo – everything feels like a challenge – you don’t know which direction to go in – you’re cranky and irritable – life just isn’t flowing how you want it to!    …

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Read this if you’re feeling stuck

    Are you going through a rough time right now and feeling a bit stuck? 😢   I always find it helpful to ask questions – in my mind, often at night before I go to sleep. 💤    Then just let it go and wait to receive the answers. 🎈    Sometimes the answer comes in unexpected ways.    It might be a conversation with a stranger, something you read, a gift, it could be anything or a…

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Heal your pain with forgiveness

    Last week I was chatting with a friend who is on a break from her boyfriend.    She was having a hard time dealing with it and was wanting to heal her pain, so I explained a process to her that I’ve found really helpful in the past.   It’s called ho’oponopono and it’s a Hawaiian mantra for reparation, healing and forgiveness.   The process is really simple ~ you bring to mind a certain situation or memory…

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7 Steps to reclaim your power

  1. Avoid blaming someone or something else for your negative feelings. Nothing and nobody has the power to control how you think and feel unless you let it.   2. Don’t blame yourself for not being in control. You’re doing the best you can.   3. Be aware of when you’re playing the victim role. Learn the clues that tell you when you’re not being responsible for what you’re being/doing/having/feeling.   4. Get to know your biggest energy –…

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Keep your vibe in check to attract what you want in life

    Last week I got a message from one of my Reiki students saying her fam had been given a short time to find a new rental as their landlord is selling up.   Panicky vibes for sure, this is a stressful situation to find yourself in.   When the shit hits the fan what often happens is we find ourselves in a place of fear, worry, anxiety, overthinking kinda vibes.   This narrows our thinking so we aren’t…

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Be like water around rocks

When faced with a stressful event in your life, how do you tend to approach it? Do you deal with stress by using negative coping strategies like drinking, smoking, taking drugs, gambling, shopping or mindlessly scrolling through your FB feed/TV guide? Do you tackle problems head on, knowing that they’re really just challenges to be overcome and that with each challenge comes a gift of learning? Do you prefer to be like water around rocks? By that I mean, can…

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