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FREE 7 DAY CHALLENGE – Kick Off Date 22 April 2024

  This is a 7 day challenge for anyone who is feeling stuck and in resistance mode in any area of their life, or in life in general. How do you know if you’re in resistance energy vs flow state? – you feel stuck, lost or in limbo – everything feels like a challenge – you don’t know which direction to go in – you’re cranky and irritable – life just isn’t flowing how you want it to!    …

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Be like water around rocks

    When you’re going through stresses in life, how do you tend to approach it?   Do you deal with stress by using negative coping strategies like drinking, smoking, taking drugs, gambling, shopping or mindlessly scrolling through your FB feed/TV guide?   Do you face problems head on, knowing that they’re really just challenges to be overcome and that with each challenge comes a gift of learning?   Do you prefer to be like water around rocks? 🪨 💦 …

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The ups + downs of chronic pain

    This is me, Thursday night just gone, in massive pain and laying on hot water bottles.    I’ve had chronic pain for about the last nine or ten years after I wrote off my motorbike and landed on my head.   Didn’t know for the first seven years that it was a bulging disc in my neck causing issues as my main symptom was neck and shoulder pain.    Started getting a mad headache on Wednesday which by…

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You get out of life what you put in

  We all know people who have a sense of entitlement, thinking the world owes them something.   Nothing worth having in life comes easily.   There is no magic pill or silver bullet.   It’s true that when you’re in a state of flow, things do seem to come easier; but that’s also about how you’ve been able to generate that flow state, which often means putting some effort into knowing what you want out of life, setting goals…

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Don’t be afraid to tap out when you need to

  In this world we live in, it can be easy to get overwhelmed by life.   We are so used to the daily grind, with an insane ability to be switched on 24/7 and available at the drop of a hat.   A few weeks ago I felt a growing desire to tap out of it all for a while – not life, but the busy-ness of it all.   So much has changed in my life in the…

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