by Mandy Milburn at In2ition Australia The Energy of Words Part II showed us how to work out the numerical value of each word. Now is the time to know what positive and negative attributes are associated with the numbers of the words you are using. Once you discover the energetic power of these words, you may feel pleased, or you may feel shocked at what you discover. Either way, these discoveries are important so that you can avoid any…
by Mandy Milburn at In2ition Australia Just like an upbeat song on the radio can uplift our spirits, or a song that reminds us of something unpleasant can make us melancholy, so too can words effect us in this same melodic way. The definition of a word is only half of its power, the other half lies with its vibration. Everything in the world can be measured by numbers. By applying the universal language of numbers created by Pythagoras,…
by Mandy Milburn at In2ition Australia You have by now, heard of the Law of Attraction and the direct power that our thoughts and intentions have on our lives, but do ever you find yourself getting lost in translation; confused with our very own language and what words to use? Or maybe you are completely unaware of the power of the words you are using to yourself and to others and the potentially opposite and negative intention they are creating for…
Do you ever look at your life and think “yeah, I have a good life, but isn’t there something more I should know?” When I was in my mid-teens, I had so many questions about life. I could never believe that when you die, there is nothing else. I had a good life, close loving family unit, we lived in a great house in a nice part of the world and nothing majorly traumatic had happened in my life at…
The long and short of the Law of Attraction is that what you focus on is what you get. There are several Universal Laws and in fact I have a guided visualisation on the Law of Detachment on my website. Also if you sign up for my newsletter you get a free e book I wrote which describes each of the Universal Laws, and includes affirmations which you can print out that relate to each Law. The Law of Attraction became big…
Happy new day peeps 🙂 Just wanted to share with you the pic above ~ this was drawn by my lil step son when he was about 5, and it’s been up in my office since then. The other day it was raining down hard, and I looked at the pic and smiled. It’s such a cute drawing that reminds us “serious-faced” adults that there really is something positive to be found in everything we think is a negative. Personally…