Find the rainbow in the rain :)


Happy new day peeps 🙂

Just wanted to share with you the pic above ~ this was drawn by my lil step son when he was about 5, and it’s been up in my office since then. The other day it was raining down hard, and I looked at the pic and smiled. It’s such a cute drawing that reminds us “serious-faced” adults that there really is something positive to be found in everything we think is a negative.

Personally I love the rain for the same reasons as our lil man, but also because I now live in Perth I really appreciate the winter rain as it brings the most beautiful double full arch rainbows. They are so stunning, and something that I was in awe of all winter the first couple of years I lived here, because coming from London all I saw in winter was clouds, lots of rain but no sunshine to make rainbows.

So what are you feeling negative about at the moment that you could find a positive in?

Here’s some examples:

  • Be grateful for your utility bills because it means you are lucky enough to have a house to live in, and someone trusts you enough to supply you with water/gas/electric
  • Be grateful for being stuck in traffic in your car, it means you’re lucky enough to have a car
  • Be grateful for each breath you take, for so many today it will be their last

There is always something to be grateful for 🙂

Have a fantastic day wherever in the world you are.

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Catcha on the flip side


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  • Paula
    June 30, 2014 at 6:44 pm

    Brilliant! I never thought of it that way 🙂 I get grumpy about my evening job because I want to be earning enough money doing what I love. But then I stop myself because I know without that job I’d not be able to pay my rent and to be fair i get to work a few hours a week and that is all! Great post thank you for the reminder 🙂

    • Coach Carly
      July 19, 2014 at 7:40 am

      Love this Paula 🙂 it’s so easy to fall into the trap of being down about a job because we aren’t doing what we love all the time…. but like you say, it is helping pay the rent in only a few hours, and you know it’s a means to an end!

  • Jasmin Newman
    June 30, 2014 at 9:14 pm

    YES. I always say that I never regret anything and am always grateful no matter how hard the road I have traveled. Everything got me to this place in time. Here and Now – and that is a wonderful thing.

    • Coach Carly
      July 19, 2014 at 7:38 am

      Wonderful way to view the challenges that come up isn’t it Jasmin 🙂



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