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What I’ve seen in people’s energy fields in the last 4 years

I started doing energy work in 2005, and have seen a lot of change in the world since then – in peoples energy, the energy of the planet and my own energy.   But what I’ve noticed in the last few years has been especially interesting to me.   In 2010 I learned a different way of doing energy work that involved scoring the chakras (the energy centres of the body and energy field) so I could see how open…

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What is Reiki

    I’ve been teaching Reiki and other energy techniques for over 15 years now and along the way I’ve found easy ways of describing what Reiki is.   I share this with my students who are often surrounded by sceptical loved ones and want to know how to describe energy work to them.   When we’re first starting out on our journey with Reiki it can be challenging to know what to say to other people when they ask…

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Happy new year to you and yours

  2021 has drawn to a close and it’s always a good time to reflect on the year you’ve had and what you want to create in 2022.   How was your year?   What lessons and blessings came your way?   What happened that you need to heal from?   What do you want 2022 to look like for you and your fam?   Thank you to all those who are in my life, to those who follow my…

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Can Reiki or coaching cure you?

  Every now and then, I get a message from someone asking:   “Can Reiki/coaching fix/heal my {insert problem here”…}   I never promise any healing or “cure” as that’s not within my control.   Nothing can fix/heal you unless you’re an active participant in your own healing.   So, in the work I do with clients, I can provide the best service possible; with energy work, that’s me acting as a facilitator for high vibrational healing energies, and by…

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Leave a trail of light wherever you go

I keep seeing this picture around on social media with the quote “some souls leave behind a trail of light that is never forgotten.”   I’m always saying to my Reiki students that I imagine we all leave a sparkly trail of light energy wherever we go.   How positive (or negative) that energy is, is up to you.   The clearer we can keep our energy, and the higher we keep our vibration, the better – not just for…

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Try this to release past hurts

We all have emotional baggage from our past that holds us back from achieving our goals and being our best self. One of my favourite things to do is to help others uncover what’s holding them back so they can become the best version of themselves. Out of the hundreds of tools I’ve learned along the way, forgiveness work is my number one go-to if I’m stuck. The first forgiveness technique I learned was taught to me by my best…

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