Is someone in your life annoying you at the moment? 😤 Try writing out a list of their positive aspects/traits. 🧐 Once you get going, the list is usually longer than you think it’ll be! 🙃 By doing this you start to observe the things you love about that person as what you focus on is what you get more of (law of attraction), and so you’re brain starts filtering out the things you don’t love…
Last week someone completely unknown to me contacted me for an urgent coaching session. While she wasn’t initially there for an energy treatment, a lot of the things she spoke about led me to believe she likely had: 🥺 totally unbalanced chakras 👹 negative entities affecting her 🎯 a totally misaligned assemblage point ❤️🩹 a lack of self love She wasn’t sure what she wanted other than to feel happy which she hadn’t for a long…
When you’re facing negative situations in life, how do you handle it? 🤔 Do you spend your time and energy complaining about the way things are? Do you blame other people? 😤 Do you put it in the basket of “nothing will ever work out for me”? Or do you use it as an indication that you’re not where you want to be, and do something about it? If you’re stuck in negative…
We all go through painful situations in life – it’s an inevitable part of the journey of living. But suffering is a human condition + one that we do to ourselves. We obsessively think about things that happened in our past, that we did or were done to us. 🤯 We overthink all the things we believe are going wrong in our lives. By doing so, we forget how magnificent our life really is.…
I was listening to an awesome Lewis Howes podcast recently where the interviewee was describing the reactions of narcissists to certain things. One of the things she said was “never tell a narcissist your good news first”. Tell your cheerleaders first – the people in your life who love and support you unconditionally so you can continue to feel good and celebrate for a while. The reason for this is that they’ll turn any bit…
It’s part of the human condition to talk critically to ourselves; some people do this more than others, but we all do it to some extent.Let’s be real for a minute.If that negative self talk in your head was an actual person, would you wanna hang out with them all day?I’m guessing not.I’m usually pretty good with my self talk, but I’m human too and occasionally my Negative Nancy gets the better of me.I sure as shit wouldn’t invite Negative…