It’s all about the upgrades!


Recently I signed up for Denise Duffield-Thomas’ Lucky Bitch Bootcamp, and I have to say, I am LOVING it! I’ve always been a fan of Denise’s work and have been wanting to sign up for this for the last year but since I have a habit of signing up for loads of courses I thought I should take a breather for a while! I am a course junkie 🙂

But no regrets here as this bootcamp is a game changer, and has connected me to a gorgeous bunch of inspirational women who totally rock.

One of the things you have to do as part of the bootcamp is focus on some upgrades – to look at those areas of your life where maybe you aren’t showing yourself your worth, things that niggle you and make you feel economy class rather than business class or first class.

A recent upgrade for me was finally hiring an amazing cleaner. I’ve been wanting to do this for over a year now, and always used to talk myself out of it – it’s an expense we don’t need, I’m perfectly able to clean, there are other priorities etc. But you know what? I work damn hard all week and often on the weekends, the last thing I want to be doing with my time is something I usually don’t enjoy doing as it’s a chore. After working my butt off I would find myself getting resentful spending 3-4 hours of my precious day cleaning when there were so many other things I’d rather be doing.

So along comes the amazing Margaret three weeks ago and I can’t tell you how abundant I felt with her making my house all sparkly while I attended to my priority of hanging out with my step-son. Amazeballs! It is SUCH a treat! I decided to get her in every 3 weeks, and my next upgrade will be to get her in every two weeks. And the bonus is she is totally down with the spiritual positive stuff and is even coming along to my Reiki 1 workshop next month, yay!

Another upgrade this week was my undies! Most of us have an undie drawer full of grundies, old socks and knickers with holes in that definitely don’t feel abundant to put on! Why save the nice undies for a special occasion? Treat yourself every day! So this week I went and treated myself to some lush new undies because I am TOTALLY worth it! The change in my energy from allowing myself these upgrades is powerful – it’s a sign to yourself and to the Universe that you feel your worth, and that you are ready for more of the good shit to come your way, so bring it on!

What can you upgrade in your life? Write a list of things that make you feel economy class – how can you upgrade them to turn them into premium/business/first class? Because my friend, you are totally worth the upgrade! If this sends your negative nancy into a spin and you start telling yourself you’re not worth it, it’s a big indicator of something you need to work on to take yourself to the next level.

You can check out Denise’s Lucky Bitch Bootcamp here – highly recommend this!

So write that list and tell me about your upgrades in the comment below!

Catcha on the flip side 🙂


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