Be Responsible For The Energy You Bring Into The Room


An inspiring woman called Dr Jill Bolte Taylor wrote a powerful book called a Stroke of Insight.


In this book she talks about how she realised, as a Doctor, that her body was suffering a stroke, and knew exactly what steps would happen in her body, witnessing it all happen from within herself.


She talks about how while she was in hospital being looked after by nurses, she was totally aware of the energy they were bringing into the room.


While she was not able to see them or speak to them, she could completely feel their presence.


She describes how some would just busily walk in the room, checking her stats, running from client to client, while some would walk in gently, kindly touching her on the foot and explaining what they were there for, even when she was unresponsive.


As a result of this, later on she put up a note on the door saying “please be responsible for the energy you bring into the room.”


I think this is a wonderful statement and can be transferred to any area of our life.


We are, at all times, 100% responsible for the energy we bring into the room, wherever it is.


Take responsibility for your energy and how it impacts others. Do what you need to do to take care of yourself if you’re not feeling good, and make an effort to always be kind to others.


Are you ready to stop struggling through life? Are you sick of feeling like you’re stuck in survival mode? Come and join my other members who are also on their journey From Surviving To Thriving.


Learn more here.


Catcha on the flip side,












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